It seemed to me the Skeptchicks had a much smaller presence, with is always good from my point of view. I experienced many fewer instances hearing white straight biological men being slandered for how we were born. Not zero, mind you. In general, I would say they were much less political, but still very political.
As for me personally, I kept failing at my Nightwing costume. I ended up just painting the decals on a body suit, and cutting the mask out of black felt. It turned out good, not great. It looked home made, which has it's own appeal. I also bought a Robocop outfit, but didn't wear it. I was sick of sucking in the last of my gut after a day of Nightwing.
Coming out of this, I felt a little disparaged by the club I'm involved with, and the volunteer system at the convention. The club a big presence at the convention, and it's kind of the one big thing I do with them. Most other events are in the evenings, and run into the hours I work. Many of my volunteer hours at the convention didn't get logged this year, so it looks like I won't have a hotel room next year. If I'm not living in Minnesota by then, I might just go to some other convention instead.
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