Monday, November 24, 2014

How to Feed Myself - #4

It's been two and a half months since my last diet update, and I have stayed on track that whole time.  My waistline did not.  In early October I hit what they call a weight loss plateau.

I'm certainly no expert on the subject.  What my research indicated was that a plateau is brought on by a sudden loss of weight.  It is implemented by the body decreasing its metabolism as a defense mechanism.  And it usually lasts about three weeks if you stick to a healthy diet.

This was my experience exactly.  At the time my plateau started in early October I had lost 24.5 pounds.  I lost none until it ended at the end of the month.  Since it ended, my diet has been doing fine, and I've lost 4.5 since then.

The other thing I need to explain is how I've been measuring.  I was weighing myself with clothes and glasses and such.  I've realized this is fairly inaccurate, because that does change.  I did a couple of tests, and believe six pounds would account for everything I was wearing.  That makes my new starting weight 208 pounds.  It also means that my original goal of 175 pounds should be adjusted to 169.

With these new numbers, I can calculate my current weight of 179 pounds as a 29 pound loss.  I'm very happy with were I am now.  I obviously have some left to lose, but I think people would no longer describe me as a chubby guy.

As for my goal to be 169 pounds by the start of my trip?  I do think I can lose that last 10 pounds in fifty days.  I'm not positive if 169 will be my ultimate goal weight, but it's probably not too far from the mark.

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