Wednesday, August 27, 2014

How did I Spend my Week, Anyway?

“Have you posted, yet?” came the accusatory question.

It’s Friday; no, I have not posted. I’m at least two days late; perhaps three. And I still don’t have anything ready to go. ( Well, yes, I have three drafts …  ) How has my life gotten this way? Let’s look.

Each day this week has had events take up large blocks of time, leaving mostly small blocks for other activities. I am not good at writing blog articles in small units of time.


I meet two friends at 11:00 for a picnic lunch. I do my morning rituals, skip my Basilica work, rush to get my lunch together, and arrive at the chosen spot barely in time. We break up around 2:00; Benjamin and I play a game of Go ( which I win … ); we stop at a Print Shop. As we’re negotiating here, my wife calls; we’re each 15 miles from home, but close to one another. “Care to grab a bite of supper and then go shopping for a printer?” she asks. At supper she gets a call requiring immediate attention, so we part ways after supper. At home, I disassemble a Japanese fountain pen … please let it suffice to say I spent the bulk of the evening with this project. I did write; nothing blog-worthy.

I do my weekly Basilica inspection. I write my weekly report and submit it. I have lunch. Yielding to my addiction to fountain pens, I spent some time with two Japanese pens I’ve owned for a while and which I had
( nearly ) given up on. I did write for ten minutes ( minimum writing
goal ), but produced nothing blog-worthy. I went to my weekly singing lesson. Ellie and I watched the news when I returned, then did the shopping we were going to do Monday, purchased a printer and spent the remainder of the evening getting it running.
This is the day I work with my friend on genealogy, and I leave the house around 8:15. This day I return earlier than usual; but it’s because my wife and I are going out with our son and daughter-in-law. There is little time between getting home and leaving for dinner. We get home late and while I have time for my daily writing, it’s not blog material.

OK, here I made choices. I took a walk ( doctor’s orders ) in the morning and did some work associated with a volunteer job at the Basilica. In the late afternoon a good friend, my wife, and I went to Mass, then out for a bite to eat, and a quick stop at a grocery store. I did my daily writing, but created no blog-quality material.

Here again I chose to walk. I did some laundry. Then I accompanied my wife to a significant Dr Appointment. Upon returning, we had a little time to get ready to go out with dear friends to celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary. This celebration is a 14-year tradition I am committed to. My writing this day was starting the piece you’re reading. I did find some time, between the Dr appointment and the anniversary celebration, to work on the three drafts mentioned in paragraph one.

So … It’s official. I don’t have time to write a blog. I promise to turn over a new leaf.

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