Monday, November 11, 2013

I've Changed the Title of some Previous Posts

It occurred to me recently that I have done a disservice to you, the readers of this blog. The disservice was titling my writings in a humorous way
( some might call it a "cute way" ), which almost completely obscured the content ... as if you're going to read it no matter what it's called and "get" my little joke.

I apologize, hopefully most humbly. In addition to 'fessing up I am also fixing up. I've retitled items that were done this way with the new title giving a much better idea of the content.

And, to be even more helpful, I've included below a table which documents what I've done. Note that I've included only the posts whose titles I've changed.

Old Title Content New Title
North Korean religious freedom
( variation on Second Story )
A redo of the writing assignment from last time ... retitled because the first story was retitled.

North Korean Religious Freedom        ( variation on A Writing Class's Assignment )
Second Story I post a one-hundred fifty word fictional story based on a one-sentence prompt provided by Benjamin's and my writing instructor.

A Writing Class's Assignment
Retreat? Read all about it! I share some of my reflections about my silent five-day retreat ... nearly silent retreat.

Reflections Regarding my Five-day ( nearly-Silent ) Retreat

Retreat? Charge to it! I share my excitement and fears about my upcoming Five-day silent retreat.

Thoughts about my Upcoming Five-day
( Silent ) Retreat

Techie Heaven, a version of Some things I notice first about Windows 7, all of which I like. Walter Enjoys being a Techie

Summary of the Life of ... Having shared my six-word autobiography, this is my two hundred word effort.

Walter's life in 50 words
Ham Dinner ... Anyone? The story of how Benjamin and I met on a night we each went gambling.

Benjamin and I meet
May we GO on? Benjamin and I play the ancient game of Go. Here is some of what that game is about.

GO ... an ancient and endlessly fascinating Board game

And in this
corner ...
My response to my blogging partner's thoughts about the shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman, all of this post-verdict.

Responding to Benjamin's thoughts about the verdict and/or shooting
The Tale of the Deer Ellie and I witnessed deer crossing in front of our car. We disagreed on some easily observable specifics.

Deer in the Headlights

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