Saturday, July 27, 2013

Moving On

I did write a rebuttal to Walter's last post, but since then we have come to a better understanding of each other's view point, and I don't feel like posting it.  If anyone is interested, please let me know in the comments, and I will. 

In other news, I bought an intuos drawing input.  I want to try my hand at drawing.  Early attempts at drawing on paper have gone well.

The intuos is pretty cool, and I'm having fun playing with it.  There is a learning curve.  I'll probably put it on the back burner until summer ends.  Partially this is because I am about to start building a new computer, and it will be more enjoyable on that.

I do promise to post some early terrible artwork by the end of august... if I can count on Walter to hold me to that. :-)

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