Saturday, June 22, 2013


Walter and myself have been taking classes through the Minneapolis Community Education system for a while now.  We're on our fourth class.

Of the four teachers, the first concentrated on fiction, but not heavily so, and no mention of speculative fiction.  The other three have all been focused on memoir.  That is to be expected about the most recent class, since it's called Memoir Writing.
I'm not sure what the Creative Writing teacher's excuse was though. :-)

So far, each class has provided interesting viewpoints, both from the teachers, and the students.  Some have had a better structure than others, but all have provided a structure, which is better than no structure.  They have kept us focused on writing.  Some have provided a venue for feedback about our work.

Oh, and they're practically free.
If money was no object, I'd probably be taking classes at The Loft.  Money is, of course, an object.  I still think I'll take a class there (or somewhere similar) someday to gain perspective.
Next week I'll give a review of the class we're currently taking.

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